Kodak creates new sensor array to replace Bayer


Staff member
http://www.kodak.com/eknec/PageQuerier. ... 8a80720f9d

The most interesting part: "Kodak is beginning to work with a number of leading companies to implement this new technology in system-wide solutions and to streamline the design-in process."

I don't think they mean Canon. Canon has their own work to do, but I know Kodak did have a relationship with them at early stages of digital SLRs, but I think Kodak spent more time working with Nikon....

And if Nikon can't get Sony's new sensors, they would have to improve on their existing ones.

Couple this announcement with the rumor that Nikon will introduce a new camera on 6/26 that will blow everything Canon has out of the water.... (but that doesn't make sense since Kodak mentions the actual delivery won't start until 1Q2008)
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It's an interesting idea, but.. I won't get all excited quite yet. I'm a little skeptical about the idea of sticking non color specific pixels in the middle of the usual Bayer pattern (it sounds like otherwise it'll still be a similar patterned sensor). Might this harm color reproduction? Might it increase light sensitivity at the expense of worse detail reproduction?

I also fail to see how this should specifically enable them to use smaller pixels without compromising performance.. The color pixels should still suffer from increased noise if you make them smaller.

It sounds to me like marketing hype. I'll be very interested to see real life performance samples, but for the moment I'm not holding my breath.

On the other hand, consider me intrigued at the idea of some new Canon killer coming out from Nikon. By everything, are you suggesting it'll be a 1D MkIII killer? I wouldn't assume that means it'd use the new Kodak pattern because of the time issues, as you say, but.. in a weird way I'm always interested in seeing other companies shaming Canon into improving their own gear. Actually it's not weird, I think we all accept that competition should help the consumer in the end no matter which brand they're using.
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Well, Canon's flagship is different depending on who you talk to.

Right now I'll say the MkIII because they really have raised the bar in an attempt to bring all uses of it together, with the exception really of pure 100% landscape photographers and/or those who don't need speed (like those who would use Fuji's S5)

http://www.nerdgrind.com/2007/06/13/nik ... -gen-dslr/

But if this is real, and it's for a newspaper, it's got a be a speed demon.
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