Kelby Training? Any thoughts?


I was thinking of subscribing to this but wanted to know if anyone here has done it? ; If so, what are your thoughts? ; Is it worth the $? ;
i have not yet subscribed to the full kelby membership yet, but i have many of his books, and so far have purchased two separate video downloads, one on hdr and one by matt kozlowski on presets, both are worth it, and i plan on eventually buying a membership, probably before next pixelmania, i find his style and his instructors to be very easy to follow and well presented.
For videos on Photoshop, Aperture, Lightroom, and a gazillion other topics, there is also
I haven't signed up for either ; Kelby or Lynda. ; I did find this code ( KTSBA12 ) for $20 off a year at Kelby training just in case you decide to go that route.

Adobe TV has many free training videos if you are looking for help with their tools.
Thanks! ; I will check that out first, need to go the cheapest way. ; I am just looking for resources to help me better understand the software.

Incidentally, loaded a few shots on my fathers Mac tonight and he has CS5. ; WOW! ; Just the difference in Camera Raw! ;

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I have used both intermittently. ; I really liked both of them but Lynda seemed to have a more diverse selection of topics. ; I have to say though that I love the teaching methods at Kelby. ; Just as a funny aside, at Kelby's world wide photo walk last year, the guy who heads up the support section for Kelby media was a guest at our walk. ; He showed up wearing a shirt!! ; How funny.
Not an expert on Adobe products but I believe LightRoom uses the same Camera RAW as Photoshop. ; Gary?

OnOne Software has just announced their Layers software and plugins are now FREE. ; That will give LR and Aperture layering capabilities via the plugins.

Check it out at
"gary" said:
i do believe camera raw is camera raw, same same

I use Elements, so I only have a few choices, there are a few more tabs with the Camera Raw on CS5. ; Or am I missing something with my Elements?

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You are correct, John, the full PS ACR has more features than the Elements version. ; As I understand it, LR4 has the current most advanced version, but I'm sure that CS6 will have either that same version or possibly something even better. ; I wish they would make ACR the same across PSE, LR and PS.