Just got my newest lens yesterday - ready for Pixelmania!


Staff member
Couldn't help myself, and picked up another lens - just in time for Pixelmania. ; The sale prices were on, with $100 off the original price, plus another $30 reward to spend at Amazon on top of the $100 off. ; Picked up the 10-18mm OSS stabilized ultrawide for my NEX kit. ; I already love my UWA 10-24 on my DSLR, but for pure convenience, I think I'll often be traveling with the DSLR and 18-250mm lens mounted, and the NEX with 10-18mm attached to my belt holster - that gives me two bodies and two lenses, no bags, and covers 10mm to 250mm.

Can't wait!
Indeed, thank you. ; Though today ended up being that perfect 'new lens' curse...I wanted to go out on a lovely Saturday with only my new lens to try some test shots and see how it performs - so what do you think happened today? ; Any guesses?

That's right - rain from the moment I woke up until night fell. ; Isn't that always the way!!??
Congrats justin! I've got my eye on the tokina 11-16. Especially through Tim's link to B&h where it's on sale this weekend.
It was cloudy over here this morning but ended up being an ok day. It was gorgeous thanksgiving. High of 70 and perfectly clear post cold front blue sky.

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We were gorgeous for Thanksgiving, and also on Friday. ; But today was very heavy rain, off and on with breaks of 15-20 minutes of grey clouds then back to rain. ; It was coming in from the northeast, off the Atlantic...We had 2.5 inches today...it finally broke around 5pm, just in time for sun to set. ; I'm hoping to get some clear tomorrow, as I'd really like to try out the lens a bit before Disney.