It's 70 and sunny all day, but where the heck am I? (SOLVED)

Re: It's 70 and sunny all day, but where the heck am I?

leo and paul are incorrect.
kiki would know where this one is... any clues, kiki?
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Re: It's 70 and sunny all day, but where the heck am I?

Umm, is this part of the DVC thingy there around where the Discovery Island and Camp Minnie-Mickey path meet? I'm vaguely remembering a woodie or somekind of vehicle parked there under shelter.
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Re: It's 70 and sunny all day, but where the heck am I?

Rog, that was the spot I was thinking of, except I described it as - "The photo spot where the jeep is parked at the path to Camp Minnie / Mickey". I say that because Lilo & Stitch are usually at that spot for photo ops.
Re: It's 70 and sunny all day, but where the heck

ummmm... nope!
zackiedawg was still the warmest.
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Re: It's 70 and sunny all day, but where the heck am I?

OK...If Tusker was closer so far, that seems to put it in Harambe...which would make sense because I KNOW I've seen this. Crazy guess here...but what about that fruit stand in front of the Kilimanjaro entrance?
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Re: It's 70 and sunny all day, but where the heck am I?

slightly warmer... inching toward it.
Re: It's 70 and sunny all day, but where the heck am I? it in the Kilimanjaro queue? I looked at my photo of the office that you pass through and it wasn't in that shot, but maybe it wasn't in the shot. I just know for sure I've seen it.
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Re: It's 70 and sunny all day, but where the heck am I?

not in the safari queue, or anywhere else on that attraction.
you are definitely in the right neck of the woods, though.
Re: It's 70 and sunny all day, but where the heck am I? place I go alot but can't quite picture it there would be Dawa Bar. Let's try there - just in case I've seen it and somehow subconsciously locked it in the recesses of my brain. Or had too many Blue Oasises to remember where it was! :)
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Re: It's 70 and sunny all day, but where the heck

not dawa bar; safari queue was a bit warmer.
Re: It's 70 and sunny all day, but where the heck

perhaps asking David Greybeard would help pop an idea into your skulls and get you on the right trail.
Re: It's 70 and sunny all day, but where the heck am I?

Well, that would have to be some of the research equipment on the back side of the glassed enclosure for gorilla viewing on the Gorilla Falls trail. Maybe near some coolers.
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Re: It's 70 and sunny all day, but where the heck am I?

Yes it would. Darn. That's it. I can see it there. I spend many hours in the gorilla area of Pangani every time I go there...I'm just usually paying more attention to the gorillas. But this sounds right now...and would explain the 'equipment box' style.
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Re: It's 70 and sunny all day, but where the heck am I?

DING! DING! DING! Roger gets the prize.
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