"I'll get you my pretty..."

That's actually a bit surprising...I figured I'm in the minority, because I'm not real big on super action rides...which HS has at least 2 of. In fact, one turn-off of HS for me is that it often seems like the most crowded park. Then again, maybe the smaller size makes this deceiving.

I don't do the Rock-n-Roller Coaster, and have only done ToT twice...and those are both big draws at HS.

I am more a fan of the Disney attention to detail, the scenics, landscaping, architectural design, characters, and atmosphere they create in their parks as opposed to action rides...which is why Epcot's been a favorite since the day it opened, with MK close in second. And since AK opened, it's pretty well tied for second with MK - I love them both and usually spend a full day at each, and a day and a half at Epcot (usually hit Epcot after my half-MGM day) on my 4 day trips. The educational and historical rides and themes are big favorites for me, as well as the world travel stuff. Epcot stole me over quickly, as a history major and sci & tech nerd!

Also, and I maybe shouldn't mention it as I'm afraid I'll be banned from the boards...but another reason I don't like HS as much is that I'm *cough*notastarwarsfan*cough*.
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"zackiedawg" said:
Also, and I maybe shouldn't mention it as I'm afraid I'll be banned from the boards...but another reason I don't like HS as much is that I'm *cough*notastarwarsfan*cough*.

Haha, I was mostly with you up to that point!!
HS/MGM is not our favorite park either. We spend a day there in June JUST for Star Wars Weekends, a late afternoon/night for the Osborne Lights, and a half day during our big summer trip.
However, I do love that adult beverages are easy to find and cold! I always include a beer in my day at mgm :)
HS is our least favorite as well. If it wasn't for Rock and Roller Coaster, Tower of Terror and the Beauty & the Beast Stage Show, we'd not be there.

I am a Star Wars fan, but I'm not the biggest fan of Star Tours and I cannot justify seeing the Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular more than once.

I'm hoping the Toy Story ride will make me want to be there more. I can ride Buzz Lightyear over and over without getting off....
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Yeah, I knew the Star Wars comment wouldn't go over well! :)

I couldn't tell you why...but I was 9 when Star Wars came out, so I really should have liked it like all the other kids did. I guess I was even more of an egghead then...I was thinking that there was no way all these aliens could coexist in the same atmosphere, and there couldn't be flames in space without oxygen, and that the story was an unoriginal rehash of WWII with the Hitlerian overtones...and...as I said, I was a bit of a nebbish egghead bookworm history and science nerd. As it got more popular, I got more stubborn and decided I liked it even less. Never saw any film past the first...though I saw some glimpses from the second one when it was on HBO in the 80s.

Now all of that would make sense - that I simply do not accept ANY non-realistic or scientifically impossible themes because of my extreme adherance to realistic science and technology - if I wasn't a Star Trek fan growing up. Somehow, all those atmospheric conditions and bad polyester clothing and Captain Kirk being just about the least racist human being ever (has anyone else ever been willing to get together with green and blue chicks?!)...just didn't bother me at all! ;)

I agree - the Toy Story ride holds some hope...that could certainly be fun. And if the park happened to be empty, where I could easily get in without a wait, I'd jump in the Indiana Jones again every once in a while.

I do love that they've got the boat that takes you over to Epcot right from the park - Disney's boat transportation is one of my favorite 'rides' in WDW, and having Epcot right at the other end of that little ride is perfect for filling the other half of my Studios day!
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I was uploading my Flights of Wonder pics this morning and noticed a small group of GMR pics didn't make it the other day.

<img src="http://www.themeparkphotos.us/cpg140/albums/uploads/032508/A/226e3205_31.jpg" />

<img src="http://www.themeparkphotos.us/cpg140/albums/uploads/032508/A/226e3200_32.jpg" />
Doesn't the expression on Ilsa's face just say 'get away from me?'
&quot;harra&quot; said:
I am a Star Wars fan, but I'm not the biggest fan of Star Tours

We havent been on Star tours in at least 3 or 4 years, and probably only a few times since it opened, But, I do go into the store every visit to HS/MGM!!
That's where I got my millenium falcon bumper sticker that is on the back of my truck!
&quot;Craig&quot; said:
I do go into the store every visit to HS/MGM!!
That's where I got my millenium falcon bumper sticker that is on the back of my truck!

My wife and I go to Tatoonie Traders every time we are there too. They have great T-Shirts
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no she likes the original three too. She's a Han Solo/ Indiana Jones girl. Last year she liked meeting Darth Vader as much as I did. I posted this photo already before, but here she was joking with Vader that she was going to push all the buttons on his chest.


(sorry we star wars geeks have completely hijacked this thread)