I NEED Real Ideas! If you were able to attend the Magicmeet this year...

Exactly 8)

I could think of at least a dozen who would attend right off the top of my head. Allears has a couple photogs that would come, Lisa and Barrie - the meet staff has a few photogs, the MacGowans, the Thompsons, Penny - et al...

Ooh! Maybe he'll do a seminar before the meet like on Friday night to teach folks how to photograph the event! Then...I could organize a photo contest afterwards and pick the best in different categories from the meet itself...
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maybe we could convince Tim to do a private seminar for those of us interested in learning how to process RAW the way you guys had mentioned here already...
Based on the turnout at Tim's Mousefest sessions, I think there would be plenty of interest at MagicMeets. Especially if there are a few door prizes!! A TMIP T-shirt or a limited edition print. (Not speaking for Tim hear, just throwing out ideas) ;)
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"ColleenMarie" said:
I could think of at least a dozen who would attend right off the top of my head. Allears has a couple photogs that would come, Lisa and Barrie - the meet staff has a few photogs, the MacGowans, the Thompsons, Penny - et al...

Hey, what about me?!? The only male of the AllEars photo bloggers. :D

I like the idea of a compositional audio-visual break out session by Tim. People would leave the session with ideas to immediately improve their photo taking skills and would not be camera centric in any way.
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I am so sorry Scott! I've seen your stuff, you are very, very good :)

Will you be signing on as a sponsor again this year?

Have you ever spoken at the meet?

...as I said earlier. I help Fred run most of what's going on... except when all the guests clear out of the ballroom for the breakouts sessions, I tend to stay back and enjoy the peace and quiet of an empty room for about twenty minutes.
all great ideas. i have been following this thread from afar to not seem gratuitious but you are pulling ideas that I have considered. keep em coming.
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"Tim" said:
all great ideas. i have been following this thread from afar to not seem gratuitious but you are pulling ideas that I have considered. keep em coming.

I presumed you were lurking here from FL :)

That's perfect, cause now you know what your public is looking for~

If I had my choice of prizes to win,

I'd want a poster of the last 5 photo mozaic Tim posted last week!
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Thanks for leaving me out of the equation Ray! I am planning on going to Magic Meets to help Tim this year. We could have a nice little caravan out there from southern NJ!
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"PolynesianMedic" said:
Thanks for leaving me out of the equation Ray! I am planning on going to Magic Meets to help Tim this year. We could have a nice little caravan out there from southern NJ!


I really enjoy this meet and am looking forward to seeing all of you there~
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"PolynesianMedic" said:
Thanks for leaving me out of the equation Ray! I am planning on going to Magic Meets to help Tim this year. We could have a nice little caravan out there from southern NJ!

Sorry Jeff! Didn't realize it was a "done deal". We still haven't worked out the details but after last MagicMeets, I think the plan was for us to be at Tim's before the event to help him get ready instead of spending the time there after the event.
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If you do a post-process seminar, I would keep it super simple.
Like, brighntess/exposure, how to correct white balance, really basic stuff,
how to re-size for web posting, fun stuff that will get them better pictures fast, and that they can share on different boards.

I am going to go against the grain here:
I do not believe in pushing people to shoot raw. My opinion is that if they are having difficulty getting good pictures, than adding the weight of post-processing will just push them right out of a fun hobby.

(All of my 20x30 enlragements have come from the d80 set at Large jpeg, normal quality)
How do you guys get there?

I am right next to where the NJ meets PA turnpike and just take the one road straight west~

What day do you expect to arrive?
"Grumpwurst" said:
I never thought of that aspect of the equation. Even though people think something is a good idea for a breakout, it may not put butts into the seats. Since he has limited break-out room availability, those that happen on "the day" need to be filled to the brim like Steve Barrett's Hidden Mickey breakout and Lou Mongello's Adventureland breakout. So, I'm sure Fred wants to have some kind of indicator that a photography related breakout session will bring more than 4 people...hahah (me, tim, Colleen, Gary)

What about combining simple compositional information and maybe even simple post processing for those with point and shoots to gather a larger audience, but then adding the twist of "how to get those hidden mickeys" or "the details of adventureland." You can even bring in a few "where am i"s at the end to show how moving around to get different angles, cropping, just generally being observant can create different photographs from what everyone else has. I think the key to getting a packed room is 1) to not intimidate with the larger cameras and lenses (as someone pointed out); 2) show how advancing one's photography skills fits into other areas of interest for Disney fans, such as trivia or hidden mickeys. Just, you know, TMIP style.
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"Craig" said:
I am going to go against the grain here:
I do not believe in pushing people to shoot raw. My opinion is that if they are having difficulty getting good pictures, than adding the weight of post-processing will just push them right out of a fun hobby.

Hopefully I'm not one of those! ???

Anyway, I see RAW as a logical extension of continuing photography. Kind of like my path:

110/Disc -> 35mm manual everything -> APS SLR (yes, for a time I thought it would survive, and I liked the fact that it imprinted the shooting data on the cartridge) -->35mm AF SLR -->digital

And you used to grow from store brand/Kodak Gold to the professional style print films (try getting Reala at most stores back in the day, or the Agfa lines...) to slide film. And then maybe onto MF.

Now I'd say shooting JPG is like shooting negative film and shooting RAW is like slide films. There is nothing wrong with staying with JPG, and heck I know of one major website owner who thinks that you really won't be able to tell the difference with today's cameras - esp. since you have much more control of how the "print" film is developed, vs. the old way of figuring out which photo lab had intelligent people working behind the counter (and machines that expose the pics based on the bell curve, so what you saw in the VF isn't always what you'd get in the final.

While with RAW you have to work more on the image (in post, rather than in pre-shot decisions), but with a slide, what you saw is what you got. On both kinds you could push or pull process (increase/decrease exposure), but with slides, you (unless you had your own darkroom) determined the final colors based on the film type, speed, exposure, lighting, filters, etc., while print films could and were usually adjusted by the processor to neutral tones.

I've found that I'll spend about as much time correcting a JPG as I would with a RAW image, so there is no reason to switch back. I didn't start RAW until I noticed it as an option with PSE 2, but it was very basic, and that's when Adobe lost favor with me. (oh, we're sorry, you can't process RAW with your version, you have to buy the new version).
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Good analogy Roger.

I have seen across the internet where people give the advice to shoot raw because you can "fix" everything. Meanwhile, the people taking the advice don't even have a firm grasp on photography basics yet. And they are thinking that "gee, the only way I can get good pictures like that guy is to shoot raw."

I am not anti-raw at all, I just cant stand the post-process time. I shot 100 pics at Osborne in raw, whittled it down to 28 I like, and it took at least 4 hours messing around. The only reason I shot that raw was to make sure big enlargements would have as sharp as lights as possible with no artifacts.

My main thinking here is Tim saying time constraint was HUGE. I think starting a raw discussion would create even more questions in that kind of environment.
Now, if he had two sessions, beginner and advanced that may be doable.
Nicely put Roger.

"Craig" said:
I have seen across the internet where people give the advice to shoot raw because you can "fix" everything. Meanwhile, the people taking the advice don't even have a firm grasp on photography basics yet. And they are thinking that "gee, the only way I can get good pictures like that guy is to shoot raw."

That's why I'm a firm believer in getting everything as perfect as possible in camera so when I process my photos, I'm making small enhancements rather than fixing mistakes.

Anyway, back on topic, I agree that in a setting like MagicMeets a discussion of raw processing would be too time consuming. It would probably be better to cover the basics.
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If you guys are planning a photo breakout session at Mouse Fest count me in. I havn't been able to go the last couple of years but definitely plan on going this year even if I have to go by myself.
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