Hoop Dee Doo Revue Question


We are travelling to Disney in Feb. 2011 and I was interested in checking out this dinner show. However, my children will ; be 4 and 5 and i am worried they will not sit thru the show. they have been to the movie theater and done really well there...just worried that I will use up 2 dinner credits and they are to young for this! any advice or input would be great!!! also we are staying at the Coronado Springs resort... I had no choice in picking it going with hubby's job on a convention down there....how is this place??...been to POP Century and was not overly impressed....hoping this one is a little nicer!!!!!
If they can sit thru a movie then you'll have no problem. ; It's a corny show but very entertaining! ; Food not so bad either!

As for Coronado, have not stayed there but have heard good reports and have heard bad reports. ; You'll have to let us know how it worked out.
I haven't stayed at Coronado, but have heard it is nice, and the restaurants at that resort are also good. The only negative I've heard is that the 'convention' attendees sometimes get a little loud at night partying? ; Although my daughter ran into that problem at Pop Century when there was an adult baseball tournament taking place at Disney's World of sports and many of the teams were staying at Pop.
The kids would probably love Hoop dee doo. ; No need to be quiet during dinner there, as they want everyone to participate! ; It is corny, but lots of fun, and the food is good. ;
I love Hoop Dee Doo - staple of every visit. ; When we took DD at 17 months, way too young... she was more interested in climbing up and down stairs, but it was our family tradition, so we went anyway for sake of older girl. ; When we took her again when she was 3, she loved it - got a little tired (cause we were there later), but she sat thru whole thing - but she likes movies, etc., and can sit thru that kinda stuff. ; She absolutely LOVED the washboard both times though - noise makers big hit!
We went to the Hoop Dee Doo the last time we were at Disney with an 11, 10, 8 and 5 year old. ; The older kids chuckled here and there but the 5 year old thought it was the funniest thing he'd ever seen. ; Trust me, the jokes were aimed at his humour level! ; You should have no problem with the 4 and 5 year old (other than the wait to get in)!