HOME RUN, Jayson Werth


Staff member
Jayson Werth of the Phillies cracks one out to the opposite field for a 2-run home run in the Phillies 7-4 win over the Braves on 3/9/2010.

Canon 5dMk2 with 70-300 DO lens and 2x teleconverter, manual focus, handheld. ; No post other than resize. ; Notice the ball coming off the bat.

Nice catch with such a setup and distance. ; Should look really cool once you get to work on it. ; Question...when did they move Champion Stadium to MK? ; ;)
"PolynesianMedic" said:
They are playing the braves at their spring training camp which is WDW, Scott.

Jeff, Tim first posted this first in the MK forum so I was kidding him about it. ; I posted some photos of an empty Champions Stadium earlier. ; My daughter was an intern at WWoS last fall.
"Craig" said:
did you take Billy?

i did! ; it was billy, my dad, my grandfather, and me, along with randy holbrook (off kilter) and his family, backlot bob (dhs) and his wife madison, valerie (mk guest relations) and her husband clarence, and my buddy skippy and his g/f roxy. ; we had a great time. ; billy got to run the bases on the field after the game!
That is FANTASTIC Tim! ; What a great time, and with a great group of people.

Scott, I missed the earlier placement, and was very under the weather last night, so sorry for the silly reply ;).