High School Musical 2


Noooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! ; I watched the movie the entire way through, or at least what our PVR recorded. ; It was just getting to the good part and the PVR didn't record the rest of the movie. ; Now I don't know how things worked out. ; I sat there all morning wanting to see what happens and now I have to wait until it comes on the family channel again. ; Hopefully tonight so I am not in suspense for a long time.

So my thoughts are, I am way too old to be watching this movie, but it is still a great movie. ; The story is good as usual. ; I always love the dancing. ; The songs don't seem to be as good as the first one, but again that is just my opinion. ; I can so see how kids love this movie and the characters in it. ;

When you guys get a chance, you should watch it and post your review here!!
My daughter got lots of HSM goodies for her birthday yesterday...

I'm wondering why they did the sequel as a TV movie, rather than theatre. ; HSM seems to be a real cult phenomenon with kids.... and some former kids. ; ;)
That's funny Minnie I went camping this weekend and set up my PVR to record but had problems and it didn't record properly so I missed most of the show. Family channel replayed the movie on Sunday and we watched it. The first one was much better but I thought it was good I was reading over 17.25 million people tuned into the showing incredible. You'd think it was the leafs in the finals. LOL
My DD8 had her 8th birthday party 6 days early to have a pizza/ watch the movie bd party with 11 of her closest friends (can you say "excedrin time"). ; She's over the moon with HSM and HSM2. ; We've watched both a scazillion times (or at least she has - I tend to zone out after the first dozen or so). ; It's gotten so my 20 month old sings HSM tunes, and recognizes the characters. ; We have HSM school book bag and lunch box, and her bedroom is decorated with photos. ; I didn't think HSM2 was as good as HSM - the jokes about the kiss were so "in" for jokes - and I thought the whole innocence of the movie was gone (I don't mean the G rating - just that the kids seemed a little big for their britches now that they are stars). ; Course all that was lost on DD8 who's counting the days until the rumoured HSM3 gets made (if Vanessa Hudges can keep her clothes on, and Zac Ephron can keep his head below the size of a football).

Course, we got to WDW a couple of days before the HSM2 Pep Rally made it's debut at MGM. ; (DD8 was devestated that HSM Pep Rally was "dark" for a week or two while they practiced the new routines). ; Course, she was a-okay having got to "dance" along with the gang at the premiere of the HSM2 Pep Rally. ; She loved it.