Hi everyone



Hi everyone! I have been reading this site for a couple of weeks and decided to join. You guys have taken some awesome photos of the parks, and the ones taken inside the dark rides are especially impressive.

I have been interested in photography for many years, and finally made the switch to digital last winter just in time for my family's trip to WDW this past spring. Here's the gallery from that trip http://www.pbase.com/msummers/wdw_apr_2007

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Welcome Michael.

Love the shot of the tiger. I see you have a "brick" as well.
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yeah that would be any camera with a permanent vertical grip, which means it usually has a heavy battery, so it weighs supposedly as much as one without a vertical grip plus a brick.

In my case the 1DMk3. Which is the same weight as my old EOS 3 with the vertical grip power booster. To get up to 8fps. Oh yeah I went from 0 to empty in 4.5 secs many times.
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Thanks for being stupid for both of us...

This is what I thought you guys were talking about.

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That would be a stone! My pic (see siggy) escapes me for the moment.

That is a mistake that will be corrected tonight.
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no worries, george... i call them bricks too.
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Maybe someone needs to start a post, in the "Novice" area with common photog slang in it. I've already had to Google "Pixel Peeping" and now there is this whole "brick" thing...haha
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I swear that somewhere out there on the internets is a pic of a 20D with a brick tied to it.
and never forget our favorite term


as in "yo i was chimping on my peeps, i snatched them up with my brick, but yo yo yo listen up, my juice box died and my lcd went stale and yo, see, i couldn't pixel peep no more, so i busted out the 2.8 and went full auto"
and the new t shirt design

front: the magic in pixels

back: we chimp more before 9:00 am than most people do all day
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ya know, i just might make this for mousefest... what say all of you?
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I know that I will be too busy pimping the Disney Geeks shirts.

But I might be persuaded to wear a TMIP (778.3) t-shirt if it comes with a free Cinderella's Castle print!