Henry's Camera Show is now on at the International Centre in Mississauga
Hall 5 Arrow Hall
South of Derry on east side of Airport Road address 6900
Here's a link to free tickets.
http://www.henrys.com/mass_emails/image ... ticket.pdf
Realfam and I spent most of the morning and early afternoon wandering around.
Some good deals to be had.
Many point and shoot cameras that now can be taken underwater and are beach safe.
Click here for Harveys Canada Free Hamburger Day 2009 participating locations. Sunday May 24th Free Hamburger.
http://www.contentfolder.com/harveys/lo ... er_day.php
Something funny about ; Cleveland
Hall 5 Arrow Hall
South of Derry on east side of Airport Road address 6900
Here's a link to free tickets.
http://www.henrys.com/mass_emails/image ... ticket.pdf
Realfam and I spent most of the morning and early afternoon wandering around.
Some good deals to be had.
Many point and shoot cameras that now can be taken underwater and are beach safe.
Click here for Harveys Canada Free Hamburger Day 2009 participating locations. Sunday May 24th Free Hamburger.
http://www.contentfolder.com/harveys/lo ... er_day.php
Something funny about ; Cleveland