help with halloween pararde pics

I am looking for some advice on how to get the best pictures at the Halloween party of the parade. I have a Canon Powershot g7 and used it last year to take pictures that didn't turn out very well. I know I used one of the night settings although I don't remember which one. I know a tripod would be best but what about the setting on the camera? I am pretty much a novice and don't know a lot about apertures and such but would appreciate any help to get better pictures this year. Thanks!!! ; :)
Welcome to the forums disneyscrapper.

I'm not sure that a tripod would help. ; You want to choose a mode where it won't fire the flash. ; I'd recommend using either the landscape mode or the ISO 3200 mode. ; Otherwise I'd use the Av mode, set the ISO at 1600 and try to avoid zooming in too far. ; Your lens can handle low light best at the widest end.
try to scope out an area with a lot of ambient light to make things easier for you as well. ; main street is your best bet or maybe frontierland near the shooting arcade since they pop up flood lights to illuminate the area.

you need a shutter speed of at least 1/50 - 1/60 to have any chance at sharp pics. ; try the smallest f/stop (lowest number) and highest ISO you can. ;

Not to completely change the subject, would the opposite apply when shooting the MSEP (wide aperture, no ambient light?).

As for Halloween parade, I got much better photos the year I was in frontierland than anywhere else (maybe under train station would be bright enough). ; Just be sure to set up early for best location. ; And building side I think is better than riverside since most lighting is behind you.

brought to you by an (HTC) "Incredible" Guy.
i like shooting MSEP with a tiny bit of ambient light so i can see some buildings and people on the opposite side of the route. ; in addition, the ambient light helps to fill in some of the details on the floats.
Thanks for the advice guys! I appreciate all the help I can get. Tim, I don't know if you remember me, but we met you outside Beaches and Cream last month when your little boy ran into my chair. We enjoyed getting to meet you and are loving the photo of the day. I especially loved the Cinderella Castle photo. Keep up the good work!!

Yes, I do remember that chance meeting. ; Glad to see you made it over and hope you post often!