HELP Spots????


I just uploaded the first group of photos I took on my new Canon SD800 IS and I am finding spots in a few photos....

This example shows them on the right side:


What can be causing this? Please tell me it is something fixable and not an inherent problem with the camera itself.
I can attest that there was a photo there. My first guess to the spot(s) would be sensor dust followed by something on the lens/optics.
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There it is visable.

The thing is, it is a brand new camera, I can't imagine where it could have picked up dust or something on the lense

I can't see anything, (on the lense that is) is there another way to check?

It appears to be lens aperture shaped, so I'm betting it's not on the CCD sensor.

First bet would be something on the external lens, but wouldn't surprise me if it is dust or something translucent inside the lens on one of the elements.

But it's big.
Or it could be a dried water spot on the lens. Minerals from non-distilled water left on the lens.

Hopefully it's not inside the element.

Still under warranty/return period?
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definitely not the CCD. But where exactly on the lens only can be determined after opening the lens assembly apart. If it is a point-and-shoot, if it is not on the front element of the lens, usually the only way to clean it is by either replacing the entire unit or exchanging the lens assembly (which in some cases mean changing the lens assembly + CCD + LCD, such in Canon A80, Canon A95)
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well, i would be inclined to think that if this was just an isolated incident, that it may have been a strange reflection (similar to a lens flare) into the camera. if this spot was on every picture you took, then you would definitely have a severe problem. try taking some more pics and see what happens. post some samples here.
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I wonder too if it might have been a flash-induced dust bunny...with small-sensor compact cameras, the flash is very close to the lens, and often will illuminate little particles in the air a few inches from the lens, which the lens picks up out of focus.

I see these with my little Sony L1 ultracompact...but I know they aren't on the lens or the sensor because they don't always show up, and not always in the same place. In fact, I really only ever see them when shooting with flash, and then maybe every 4th or 5th shot in some random spot.

BTW - they are fairly easy to remove with a clone tool in Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro programs, especially when they appear against a neutral background like that green wall.

Otherwise, I agree with Tim - looks like an isolated incident, or one that may only come up on occasion.
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There was one shot that was in the middle of the subject. Bad!

I cleaned the lense and got rid of most of them but there is one faint one still showing on the left side.

I think I may have a professional look at it and clean the lense.

Thanks for all of the input, you guys are the best!!! :-*
