Help me spend my $$$ - Wide Angle lens, New Body, What ?


Well, I recently came into an unexpected pile of cash (courtesy of a 1 hour and 20 minute roll of the dice at a craps game this evening), and I'm thinking I might spend it on some camera gear. I've got three trips to Disney planned starting June 2008 and really want to take some nice pics of the family and the park this time around - so I'm interested in getting whatever will (a) enable me to take better quality picks and (b) whatever will make taking pics in the park easier (such as a good neckstrap).

Here's my current setup:

Canon Digital Rebel Xt
18-55mm kit lens
Canon 50mm f/1.8 (the $65 wonder)
Canon 70-200 f/4 L
Tamron 28-78 f/2.8
Speedlite 580EX
Mediocre Off Brand tripod and monopod
Canon Backpack

At this point, I'm kind of leaning towards getting a "wider angle" lens. One that really intrigues me is the Canon 17-40mm L. I've got a good lens collection, but when you factor in the 1.6x factor for the rebel, I'm a bit narrow in my options. I'm so happy with the results from my 70-200 L that I think I'd really like to add a good "all purpose" wider angle L lens, and the 17-40mm is definately a "bargain" as far as the L glass is concerned ... but I wish it were a stop higher for better indoor shooting. I worry if f/4 woudl be sufficient to take indoor pics at all those Disney rides where no flashes are allowed. I suppose I could use the 50mm in the darkest attractions, though.

The Canon 17-55mm IS USM is also intriguing, though for several hundred dollars more, and it's not even "L" Quality. Plus that lens is optimized for EF-S mounts, so if I even pick up a full frame camera, I'm concerned about it's portability.

I was also considering the 24-105mm or the 24-70mm, but both of those are several hundred dollars more, and with the cropping factor, I don't think it will give me the wider angle I need for the more panoramic shots.

Any advice ? Experience ? I don't like to throw money away, but if I go with a new lens, I want it to be an "every day" lens that I use for the majority of my shots for the next decade (with an emphasis on what I can use at the park) ... so I'd rather spend a couple of hundred more than I planned and get something I really will enjoy.
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since you're using an XTi, you might as well sell the 18-55 kit, forget the 17-40L, get the 17-55 f/2.8 IS instead. It's a beautiful lens, better than than the 17-40L, IMO (I had it, I sold it)
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Ditto on the 17-55/2.8 IS.

While it's not an "L", it has been said that is due to Canon Marketing not wanting Ls in the EF-S line.

It isn't weather sealed but has L lens elements in it.

And it's the only one with IS in that range, both FF or EF-S.

Personally I'd wait to ask this question until next weekend.

Canon is supposedly telling their dealers what new products are coming out this spring on the 23/24th.
"jcvalenti" said:
I worry if f/4 woudl be sufficient to take indoor pics at all those Disney rides where no flashes are allowed. I suppose I could use the 50mm in the darkest attractions, though.

f/4 isnt going to cut in on most indoor attractions, except for maybe the country bear jamboree or shows like that with good lighting.

"jcvalenti" said:
Plus that lens is optimized for EF-S mounts, so if I even pick up a full frame camera, I'm concerned about it's portability.

it's only going to mount on a rebel-family camera or the 20d/30d. it wont mount on the 5d or any of the 1d series bodies, so your concern for future upgrading is well warranted. for that same reason you might want to stay away from the ef-s 10-22 as well.

"jcvalenti" said:
I was also considering the 24-105mm

best lens i have EVER owned.
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"Tim" said:
"jcvalenti" said:
I was also considering the 24-105mm

best lens i have EVER owned.

Thanks for the replies so far everyone.

Tim, you're opinion of the 24-105mm seems to be nearly universally shared (Thanks for the replies so far. From what I've read about the 24-105, it is really an intriguing piece of glass (see ... eview.aspx)

What about the concerns about the "wide" end not being wide enough (with the crop factor) ? I'm also worried that while it is a great all-around lens, the zoom factor will render the lens a bit too heavy and large to carry around the parks all day. The f/4 on this also causes me some pause. Maybe when Canon announces their new lenses there will be a lower light version of this.

I really like the 17-55 IS for what I need, but I've all but crossed off the EF-S mount ... especially at that point. I might be new to photography gear, but I'm an old hand at buying tech, and I've learned my lesson about limiting my future upgrade options.
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"jcvalenti" said:
What about the concerns about the "wide" end not being wide enough (with the crop factor) ? I'm also worried that while it is a great all-around lens, the zoom factor will render the lens a bit too heavy and large to carry around the parks all day. The f/4 on this also causes me some pause. Maybe when Canon announces their new lenses there will be a lower light version of this.

I really like the 17-55 IS for what I need, but I've all but crossed off the EF-S mount ... especially at that point. I might be new to photography gear, but I'm an old hand at buying tech, and I've learned my lesson about limiting my future upgrade options.

It really depends on your shooting style. 24mm is just not nearly wide enough for me. I can compromise with 17/18 but not 24.

To me, the 17-55 is so good, I'll hang on to a crop-sensor body (or even buy a new one in the future if need be) just so I can use that lens. Remember, even on a full-sensor body, there is no f/2.8 with IS with that kind of range and size (24-105 is f/4, but I'm to cheap to bring my 5D for my travels)
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all right, you asked for opinion and i'll freely give mine, no charge for theis service, but like many things in life it's worth every penny you'll be paying for it

1. get the 10-22, it's got great image quality in my humble opinion, much like my 17-55 i think it's an L in disguise

2. if you have leftover cash, sell that 18-55 and get right into the 17-55 f/2.8 IS, this is the latest addition to my lens collection and seems from first uses to be a great lens, i second kelley, this is an ideal street/ available light lens

3.reverse this list if 17 on the xt is wide enough, this is really something you have to decide for yourself as to how much is wide enough for you
i find myself switching back and forth a lot, both of these will be making the flight to spain in may, many of the plaza's and narrow streets will be unique subjects shot real wide, the 17-55 will be earning it's keep in the churches that allow photos, but no flash or tripod, you do get a fair amount of available light, particularly through large stained glass windows

4. check my prior posts about the ef-s/full frame debate, i really do think canon is going this route, complete line of ef-s lenses for the prosumer sales and full frame for the L owners, i see myself continuing to own an ef-s/crop body to get the 1.6 effect for bird/wildlife use, combined with 1.4 extender, i'm pulling close to 1000mm at f/5.6 out of my 500 f/4 during summer shore bird season up here, it allows me to get occasional frame filling shots of nesting terns and plovers while still outside of the stay back fencing

5. this is the most important, i would wait to see what canon announces at pmia, it's not that far off, and due to lack of major announcements, and no upgraded bodies at photokina, canon has to bring out something soon, or continue to lose ground to first time dslr buyers who are already savvy enough to not want the entry level camera and can read the nikon d40/d200 specs and seperate the important from the shiny knob stuff
Well, I've been told three times now to wait for PMIA before making any decision, so in a rare fit of reflection and self-control, that's what I'll do. I suppose in the cosmic scheme of things, if I wait a month or so for the "perfect" lens, it isn't going to matter. Then again, I have to spend my winnings on SOMETHING right away, so new cell phone, here I come !

As for the advice, I appreciate greatly everyone's comments.

gary - I have been eyeballing the 10-22 as well. As for the EF / EF-S mount issue, at the end of the day, that's the thing that causes me the greatest consternation. I read your extensive posts on them, and I'm essentially wrestling with the same issues. I'm in no immediate need to update the body, but when I was sitting at Best Buy the other day holding the 5D and looking through it's features, I just get those familiar "gear envy" twitches that usually end up with me looking at a $4000 Amex bill a few months later wondering "did I really need this ? ... Yes !" At the end of the day, barring some startling news from Canon on a 30D upgrade, I'm just not sure I'll be using a cropped body for that much longer; and the surest way to guarantee death-by-enraged-wife is if I try to sell her on the fact that not only do I need great lenses, I need TWO SETS of great lenses. If they came up with the equivalent of an 18-55 f/2.8 IS for EF mount ... then I could sleep peacefully again.
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