Hello from NJ


Global Moderator
Hello all! I am new to this board, but a member of many others. I unfortunately don't post on them as much as I would like to, mostly because of my job, and taking care of my son during the day when I am home. I wanted to say a quick hello and send a littly message of thanks to Tim. Tim, I am totally inspired by your photo's to learn how to do it. Is there a class you took? Can you help me learn or point me in the right direction of where to learn about all of the amazing functions of my new digital SLR? Thanks for whatever help you can offer. Hello again to all out there and I look forward to chatting with you all.
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Welcome! Glad to have you aboard.

Feel free to ask away - technical questions about your camera, photographic technique questions, composition questions, artistic questions - you'll get great tips and help from the folks here with your photography, with the added bonus of a Disney touch...since that's the subject we love the most!

Also, don't be afraid to post your own pics here. The best way to learn, I've found, is to post your pics and receive comments and critique to learn what you've done right, and what you could do better.

You've got some fellow Jersey members here too - and I'm an ex-pat Jersey boy (though I try not to admit it too often, my parents are both from Paterson, where I spent 3 or 4 years of my young life as well - yes, we survived! ;) ).
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Welcome aboard ! Like zackiedawg says, don't be afraid to ask. There are some very good photographers on the board who are more than willing to offer tips on everything from basics to composition to shooting in the parks. Basically anything you can think of ! Some boards are a little intimidating to newbies, but not this one - just a lot of friendly people sharing a hobby, a passion for the parks, and a somewhat vociferous distate for Beverley (just search the term and you'll know what I mean).
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welcome about poly-medic! you are about 90 mins north of me up the parkway. imagine that.
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