Have a great trip Ham Ham!!

I just noticed that you are heading out tomorrow and can't find the when are you going thread (perhaps I have had too many vodka and soda's) ; Hope you have a great trip!!!! ; We are heading out in two weeks, so save us some sunshine, after the past two days we could use some! ; Have a safe trip to the airport!!!

I saw that you posted you were wearing shorts and crocs....I love going to the airport in that when it is snowing, everyone looks at you like you are crazy!!! ; LOVE IT!!!!
We're just about tho head out the door. Drop off the dog at my cousins, do a little shopping on the US side before we hit the Buffalo airport around 16:00.

First time doing all carry on luggage once we land off to budget and then hopefully arrive at eh Board Walk Villas by 10:00

I'll try and update from WDW.

Take Care Folks

Ham Ham & all the Hamettes, DW, DD 13, DD 9.
So jealous.....50 cm of snow in the past 2 days....can't help but think that this time 2 years ago we were on our honeymoon at disney...the memories!

Have a wonderful time!
@ham Ham

I want a daily report :)


When is your next trip ashley?
well. hopefully I will win the one A-channel is giving away....and then it would be between may and october!!!

But, realistically not until Julien is 4 or .... and he is 8months right now......