Happy to be back....


I was at a weekend conference in Toronto, which of course included a verrrry quick stop to the Disney store at Vaugn Mills (and the Bass Pro Shop). ; Just picked up a couple of Pirates items for my son. ; I'm always surprised how small the Disney "outlet" store really is. ; I was also surprised to see on their "help wanted" sign that store cast members get 30% off.
I love the Disney Store (although it is nothing compared to the shops at DisneyWorld).

I can remember being in there and speaking with an employee a long time ago, and they used to actually get deals on tickets and I believe hotel rooms were also discounted..............

Nice perks!
I really enjoy going to the Disney Stores myself, but if there was a MouseGears store like in Epcot where I could work, I would be there to get the 30% discount. ; I would probably also be spending more money than what I was making too. ;)
When the stores were owned by Disney and not Hoop retail, you used to get 35% after you had been there for, I think it was 3 years. Otherwise it was 20%, I think. Then there was the store ownership change and everybody across the board pretty much gets 30%.

There are still a few park perks, but much fewer than before.

Ah, I miss my store.
I must say... I've been kind of disappointed with Disney Store over the past couple of years. ; They used to have stuff for adults (I got DH a really nice 'varsity' style jacket a few Christmases ago... we got t-shirts, and some PJs and such there)... now it's all for kids :(