So just to hone in on some of the clues...
"It's not in the Future" (so not at MK-Tomorrowland, DHS-Star Tours, EP-FutureWorld)
"It's not in the Past." (so not at MK-Frontierland or Liberty Square, DHS-Indy Jones,)
"It's not with the Yeti" (so at least not Asia in DAK, but really just not in DAK although "talk to the animals" would lead you initially to DAK)
"move to a place near the lair of a bear" (Playhouse Disney has "Bear in the Big Blue House", however this falsely led to the Briar Patch of Splash Mountain which is really Brer Rabbit's hangout)
"This place is for Living and not where the work is." (so everyone that was on tour with Jim Korkis should remember the guard booth and how he stated that it delineated the transition from where the people lived/played/ate and where they worked)
"Why did the chicken just cross the road?" (to get to the horn of course... if you are at Min and Bill's, the building for "Sounds Dangerous" is basically just across the "street" from it... although technically American Idol would be directly across.)
And then the rest is elementary my dear PixelManiacs. ; Hope you enjoyed the rhyme that went right along with the "Where Am I".