Ghirardelli's Nord

Ham Ham

Realfam and crew dropped by Ham Ham HQ for a BBQ on the weekend. For dessert turned the kitchen into Ghiradelli's Nord





for those wanting to duplicate the "celebration at home" (as Disney is terming it), you use both vanilla and dips ice cream? ; Home-made brownies with the Ghiradelli chocolate (with chocolate syrup and whipped cream...)?
Realfam's DW also melted some Belgian chocolate, my DD 10 added the dibs. Also some chocolate wafers made it in.
Very tasty. We also used our china for the desert bowls.
The pattern is Shenandoah by Noritake. How many DH's know their china pattern and maker?
Oh boy yummy!
I could for one of those right now! ; They were tasty!!!!!!!!!! ; Especially the melted chocolate on top.

I never realized we got the good China,,,wow, I feel like royalty. ; Hamham, I promise we will serve dinner to you guys at our house on our best chinette and dixie cups!!!!!