Getting Banned @ DisBoards

Looks like this is now going to be my Full Time home.....

I have been permanently banned from the DisBoards for soliciting people thru private messages.

I did this once. So much for freedom of speech.

I know that they are the largest but it appears that they are afraid of a bit of competition.

Thats my vent. Thanks for reading.
That sucks - I had never even heard of them until coming here....never bothered to check them out either....I like it here!
Good Grief!!!! ;:o ;So let me get this straight... you invite one person to check out a smaller, more targetted (for Canadians) board, without any stipulation that they have to LEAVE the other board to do so (at least I'm assuming so... obviously you didn't have to "renounce your citizenship" there to join here, so it would stand to reason that no-one else would be told otherwise), and they're so paranoid that they ban you?

That's almost as brilliant as the time I got banned from another (non-disney, so there's no confusion) for being slandered *laugH* ;(yes, you read that right... I was slandered and got banned as a result)

The internet's a big place... there's plenty of space for everyone, and if there's overlap I would have hoped that all concerned would be mature enough to know how to share.

Oh well... disneymagic loves you, anyway ;)

(like weemcp I'd never heard of DisBoards until I came here, either)

Sean and I both have banner adds for this site in our sigs and have not been chatised... yet.

The rules there are that you cannot promote or link to a commercial venture. ; As no one is making any money here (and it seems Sean is spending a lot of his own $$$$ to get the site up and running in fine form) there should not be an issue.

Sorcerer... ; what kind of pm's were you sending???? ;
Well I am a Disney TA so yes I was breaking the rules but I think it was a bit harsh to Ban without a warning. I also think that the person who I PM was a plant. But this is just speculation.