Germany's Biergarten...

Hi there - I have a grand gatherings I'm planning for October.09 - the patriarch of the family was raised in Germany, and has lived thru difficult times - other than enjoying his grandchildren, the thought of a trip to WDW seems like an overblown extravagance to him - so I'm putting together info on Germany's pavilion at WDW to remind him of his childhood, and how he can share that magic with this grandkids (since a trip to Germany doesn't seem in the offering...). ;

Reading thru all of my material, I was reminded how much my family has enjoyed the Biergarten in Germany when we've gone,and how my kids absolutely LOVE the floor show... course, hubby and I love the beer. ; :-)

Just wondering - do you guys enjoy the Biergarten? ; It seems to me that many overlook this spot in the many wonderful experiences to be taken in at WDW - but it's a great family show and terrific meal, and it doesn't break the bank either.

