Geotagging Question


Staff member
Looking into getting a geo-tagging solution for my 1Dx...
I am between the Canon GP-E1 and GP-E2 or an external item, such as the Bad Elf 2200...

Can you please shed some light on this for me? The differences between the E1 and E2 are as follows:
E1 - screws into the side of the camera and draws power from the camera battery (non-issue)
E2 - sits in hot shoe or USB connection, OR can be used as a geo-logger then added in later with software (proprietary)
BOTH can direct encode the EXIF data.

I am leaning closer to the E1 than the E2 but an external solution that could export a GFX file to import into Lightroom isn't out of the question. Ideally, an external product would be able to carabiner to my backpack.
Ok, so I've narrowed this down to:
Garmin eTrex 10
Canon GP-E1

Any other opinions?
i would get the garmin, although i would get the 20 as its a more upgraded machine and you can download a lot of worldwide maps to it, but for just tagging photos in america the 10 would do that. unfortunately the amod agl3080 that i use appears to be no longer available. i have the canon gp-e2, and while its nice in that it automatically tags the photos as you take them, it does it via the hot shoe, with no option to cable to the camera and free up the hot shoe. although you can set it to log off camera and them usb cable it to a computer and use software to tag the photos. as far as my set up i use a jeffrey freidl lightroom plug in, he was kind enough to figure out what i code string i needed to enter into the configuration screen to make it recognize and use the amos code. here's another thing, there is no worldwide standard for data log code, thus the shareware program gps babel ends up being needed sometimes. the amod is what i take most of the time especially since i now shoot mostly with sony, i geotag many of my baseball photos even inside the parks as i always make at least one circle around the stadium before and after a game.
The GP-E1 screws into the side of the camera. Hence my preference for that over the E2.
I made the executive decision and went with the Canon GP-E1. Screws into the side of the camera, powered by the camera battery (which lasts forever), and not another thing to be carried around, like the external unit. Let's see how it plays this week when I begin my vacation.
Initial results are impressive. Very accurate, small, light, connects quick. Direct communication with camera. Liking it so far.