Geotagging and Google Earth

I have been trying to find a way to geotag my photos without using a gps unit and then view them on Google Earth.

This is what I have come up with so far. I open the photo I want to geotag in Picassa then click on the menu item "geotag". This opens a window in the bottom right of the screen and also takes me to google earth. I center the crosshairs on the correct location where the picture was taken and then in the window on the bottom right there is an option to geotag the pic. When I click this it adds the gps coordinates to the exif data. I then import the pic back into Lightroom and the coordinates show up in the EXIF data. I can click on coordinates which takes me to google maps. The coordinates are in the search bar so if I copy them, open google earth I can paste the coordinates into the search bar and fly to the coordinates in google earth.

This is a long process. Does anyone have an easier process short of buying a GPS unit? I know I can get one that fits in the hot shoe for $150 but if I can save $150 that would be nice. I can then take that $150 and add it to my savings I am using for a Canon 5D or what ever full frame model is out when I get the money together.
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