General AK pics

Crazy Monkey


hey will, remember the people who actually asked if the monkeys were real or if they were animatronics? the look on your face was priceless.
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The best moments in the park are those after close, when you hang out late to be one of the final stragglers to leave. You get to see empty and peaceful scenes:

During Mousefest, I noticed one of the 'crazy monkeys' had a child with her:

Animal Kingdom is actually one of my favorite parks for exploring down every path and around every corner for great little atmospheric yet little seen spots:



I'm sure all the Disney nuts here know exactly where I was standing for each of these...but then again, we're Disney nuts!
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"Tim" said:
hey will, remember the people who actually asked if the monkeys were real or if they were animatronics? the look on your face was priceless.
Yes, I couldn't believe that, and she wasn't the only one that said it. That one deff. went down in my SGT book.
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