First Snow + GTA + Drivers = Lobotomy

a 15 minute drive to my daughter's school took 2 hours this morning - snow and an OC Transpo strike in Ottawa made for horrendous traffic. ; My girls watched the entire Camp Rock movie, and had a nap!
Looks like more snow is coming. Toronto Star is calling for a ; snowpocalypse. [move][glow=red,2,300]That system is expected to arrive in Canada Thursday night, bringing 40 to 60 km/h winds and 25 to 30 centimetres of snow by Friday.[/glow][/move]
I'll begin to pay attention when the storm in ; 6 hours away and the forecast hasn't been modified. In the mean time snow tires are properly inflated, windshield washer fluid is topped up, full tank of fuel an snow cleaning brush.

I predict the storm will take a jog and spare most of the GTA the 30 cm'cs predicted.
Where do I get my info? The same place the forecasters do. Pulled from an area close to the largest muscle in the body.

we're supposed to get snow later tomorrow - actually didn't snow today after an accumulation yesterday. ; Wouldn't it be nice (for me) to see Toronto blanketed this time, and Ottawa miss out. ; :-)