First SLR Camera


Canon Rebel XS 10.1MP Digital SLR Camera with EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Lens (Black)

Is this a decent starter camera. Ive been to the store, and held it and feel comfortable with it in my hands. Just wondering what people thaught about this camera and if it is worth purchasing.
imho, it's an excellent starter camera, keep in mind i'm a canon owner, but not biased against nikon, it's just that when canon started making digital slr's i already had an investment in good canon glass
i'd say get it based on the fact you state it feels right in your hands, that's a real plus no matter who made the camera
i will say that the kit lens is just a starter lens, i would highly reccommend that your next purchases be L quality glass/ or maybe the 17-55 2.8 IS, a lens i used very successfully on a med cruise last year
there are a couple threads on here talking about how the body is just a body, and in the digital world in 6 years is an out of date piece, but good glass with care stays good for many years, i have an xsi, and many times it's my travel camera, due to light weight and smaller size for packing/travel
I'll second to what Gary said. Honestly it will be what camera fits best in your hands, no matter if it's Canon, Nikon, Sony or Olympus/Panasonic.
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Do yourself a favor and make sure you get the Canon 28-135 IS/USM lens for your new camera. Awesome range, stabilized, and sweet range. You won't regret it.
Canon 28-135 IS/USM Lens
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Yes, he got a Rebel XS. When he moves up to the 1D/5D series, he would probably be ready to move up to something like the 28-105L f/4. I'd wonder how the 28-135 would perform on the 5D Mark 2? (considering how old it is)
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i haven't heard of any complaints, but then again i don't usually go searching for negativity. there is a clear difference between L and non-L glass, however.
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