Finding Dory

That's news for me and what a good one! I loved Nemo so let's see if this sequel is going to be awesome too. I know the first one is always the better mvoie, but I don't care, I can't wait for this one!
I am pretty excited about this, though I don't want to set expectation. I saw a trailer, and I think I'd really go out and intentionally watch it. But I still wanna keep mum for now, because I don't like waiting. I'd probably act for now, I didn't know anything about this, but I just can't help it but share this to my cousins. They are surely going to like this. They have been so addicted with finding Nemo, so I think they would love to see a sequel.
Well, they pulled it off with Toy Story and Monsters Inc., so it's possible that it's good. Maybe it just has to be a story that needs to be told, not just taking advantage of popular characters to sell tickets. Since Finding Nemo was made more than 10 years ago, I'm confident that's not the case.

I actually thought Monster's Inc. was better than the original or at least just as good. But I think its because they created a completely different story line and mixed up the formula so to speak. I loved all the toy story movies. They worked well with the Andy growing up and how the toys would handle it. That being said Dory's was an awesome character. She had that whole frantic energy and she was lovable. Her whole forgetful thing could open up a story line. I haven't seen Finding Nemo since it came out so I think I'll have to re-watch to be sure.