Hey guys! ; It's been awhile, but I keep up with alot of you on flickr.
; We just got back from a 3-day trip on the Wonder and I thought you might like to see a few pics. ; Here's a link to my flickriver, which is probably the easiest way to see them all.
How is everybody anyway? ; Roger, thanks for checking in on my blog now and again...that's so nice. ; I've been a bit lazy about it lately, but I'll pick it up again this fall. ; Tim, how are ya? ; Michael, nice to see you pop up on flickr. ; Scott...I see you are enjoying the food at Disneyworld as we speak!
; And to the rest of you...I hope this note finds you all well. ; :-* ; I'm having an awful lot of fun with the camera these days!!
Here's the link, if you'd like a dose of Disney at Sea along with the rest of what I've been up to lately!
; Miss you guys!

How is everybody anyway? ; Roger, thanks for checking in on my blog now and again...that's so nice. ; I've been a bit lazy about it lately, but I'll pick it up again this fall. ; Tim, how are ya? ; Michael, nice to see you pop up on flickr. ; Scott...I see you are enjoying the food at Disneyworld as we speak!

Here's the link, if you'd like a dose of Disney at Sea along with the rest of what I've been up to lately!
