Favorite Disney Movie of All Time?

My favorite Disney movie of all time would be Cinderella it never gets hold for me, and I can sit and watch it over and over again, the thing about Disney movies for me is that they really keep the dream and hopes of us kids and even the parents too.
Can I say they're all my favorites. No. Okay. I definitely love Frozen right now and when I was a child I would've said Pocahontas. Overall though, the one I can watch over and over again is Enchanted. I loved the cast, the music, the characters, and by far it had the best evil queen dragon.
As a guy that grew up in the 90s, I loved the Lion King. I even had one of those disks that were about a foot in diameter with the movie on it! The plot was amazing and it's impossible to not cry, on the inside at least, when Simba sees his dad trampled by the stampede. Scar makes an interesting character and no one could ever forget Timon and Pumba!
My favourite Disney movie of all time is Lion King. I like the movies Disney did with Pixar too. But they are mostly Pixar movies I should say.

Little mermaid was also good.
I can't decide. :(

When I was a little kid, my favorite Disney movie was The Little Mermaid. I've seen it a lot of times. I used to sing Ariel's song "Part of Your World" back then. Even had a big story book for that; that's how much I loved it. But then again, I also love the magical world of Peter Pan, the Neverland, and the movie Tarzan which was really funny.

Oh! I almost forgot Mulan. I love Mulan! It's funny too and plot was unique in many ways. :)
Tough choice, but I'm going with the Lion King! I saw it on the tv and loved it right away, then my mom bought me the DVD and I probably watched it a dozen of times.
I don't think that I could ever pick just one, it would be impossible. I have been watching Disney movies for many, MANY years - back when they were in black and white. I have ever watched one that I didn't like.
I'd have to pick 101 Dalmatians... the animated version from 1961, though, not the newer version. I also like The Lion King very much.

Now that I'm thinking about it, it's the old animated classics that have always been my favorites. Although I've watched many of the newer releases, I always go back to those originals when choosing a favorite.

Oh! And Beauty and the Beast. And Bambi. Well this proved to be a difficult question, didn't it?! :p
My favorite Disney movie is The Lion King. I watched that movie more than any other Disney movie and it just holds that place in my heart. I grew up with it and so it is my trademark Disney movie.
Animated: Tangled. Absolutely the most under-rated film "EVAR!"

And, as Red suggested:

Live action: Of course Mary Poppins is in a class of its own.
But after that...The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, OR Remember the Titans. They all really don't compare to Mary.
One of my very favorite Disney films is an old one. It doesn't have singing, it doesn't have princesses and no real magic to be found but the magic of science.
Disney's The Great Mouse Detective is based on a book series written by Eve Titus which is based on the Sherlock Holmes stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. As a Sherlock Holmes fan, I love all the references made to the originals. I even checked one of Titus's books out of the library, once. It was adorable.

As for one that isn't animated, I remember liking "Bed knobs and Broomsticks". That one was cute. Didn't that one also have the actor who played Mr. Banks and a few animated bits mixed in with the live action? It's been so long since I've seen it.
My favorite Disney movie is The Nightmare Before Christmas. It is a Touchstone release but Touchstone is owned by Disney. If that does not count then Cinderella is my favorite Disney movie. I liked the second one but not so much the third one. My second favorite would be The Little Mermaid. It is such a sweet, cute movie. I pretty much just love all Disney movies.