Fave Disney Character?


Since the general chat section has been kinda quiet, I thought I'd start a new thread to talk about those people and critters who keep us hooked on all things Disney...

So... who/what is your favourite Disney Character? ; From a movie, TV show, from the folks who wander the parks.... who?

Oddly, in spite of my name on here, I know absolutely nothing about Treelo... other than the fact that a stuffed green and blue leemur is the 'mascot' of my husband's car *laugh*

I'm a big fan of Tigger... and Kanga & Roo... and Eeyore... and Herbie (how can you not love Herbie? ; Plus, we have a classic VW Bug)... and one I still remember fondly from my childhood, The Cat from Outer Space (but I'm a "cat person", so that's kind of a no-brainer ;) ; ). ; I'd have a hard time picking one favourite, though... and I might have to go with Stitch... he's just so wacky and off-the-wall, and he's got a similar personality to one of our cats ;)

Who's your all-time fave?
I would have to say Winnie the Pooh is my fave. ; I just love how shy he is and every time I have seen him at Disney World, he just looks so cuddly. ; I loved making him embarassed by telling him he is my favorite.
Eeyore is my favorite.........but I am pretty fond of Bambi, Thumper and Rafiki also......
Well Mickey is a given, but i would say my second favorite would be Chip & Dale!

then again when i was @ Disney world in May The Princess was looking might fine :)

Oh wait that was Minnie since we were on our HoneyMoon. ( Oh that so hot me bonus points )