F1 in the U.S.

I'm pretty sure the plan is to have lots of places around the track for spectators. ; That's the only way to get 140k people in.
I think it's interesting that most of the comments from Tilke are about the speed the cars may achieve. 200mph here, 180 there. Instead of breaking, overtaking etc, lets just put really big wings on the back of them and see how fast they'll go either in a straight line, or around a dirt oval.

At least they are playing to the supposed 'demo'. Meh.
From the article, I guess the best advice is to plan on flying home Monday afternoon. ; It may take that long to get out of the track after the race!

It reminds me of how Silverstone used to be - the only access was one narrow country road.

I guess we're spoiled here in Indianapolis. ; The track is basically in a city, with all of the streets available. ; (Look at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway on Google Maps; you'll see what I mean. ; For a real thrill, use the street view to take a virtual drive down W. 16th St. and up Georgetown Rd. to see how close the grandstands are to the street.) ; However, even with all of that easy access, it takes a huge amount of manpower from all of the area law enforcement agencies to keep traffic flowing smoothly.

The best plan for any huge event like this is to arrive early and stay late.

I'm mildly disappointed (but not surprised) to see that the "stadium section" of turns 12-15 will be surrounded by stands. ; That will limit the views from the spectator mounds along turns 2-5.
I don't know about being spoiled by the Indy F1 traffic. We used to take our time getting out of the stands, as it was always about 2 hours before we could make any progress faster than walking pace while drivingthe vicinity vicinity of the track.

Hopefully, some of the elevation change shown in the other circuit diagrams will help the sight lines.

The worst race traffic I ever saw was a big backup trying to get in to Sears Point. ; It was so bad that one of the drivers was also stuck and had to flag down a passing motorcyclist so he could get a ride to the track in time to drive in the race.
FWIW, apparently F1 officials have instructed the team to have the site ready by "June 2012", with a race date expected to be scheduled next year sometime. ; Everything looks like they are on track (no pun intended) to break ground at the site in 2 weeks.
Breaking ground is a big step in the right direction! As for giving them a completion date, I think that has to do with what happened at Korea this year. Basically, the FIA is making sure that there will be no more late track inspections for the certifications to hold the race.

LOL, I love it!

"The 3.4-mile race circuit has already been staked out by vegetation shredders. The unofficial lap record for a car to negotiate the bumpy terrain is reportedly 31 minutes."


There is a facebook group that is following the construction progress.

http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Friend ... 0087614878

Dirt is moving, the track is coming along. ; Now the date hasn't been set yet, but the race in Canada is June 10-12 this year. ; So the track has to be ready for a race either the first or third week in June 2012. ; I think they'll be able to get it done by then.
Everyone following this thread probably already knows, but Tuesday, April 12 there will be a special program on SpeedTV regarding the USGP. ; 8 PM EDT.

Any inside info, Roger?
People have been keeping it hush hush but I think they are announcing the date. ; There is a covered sign near the track site, and it blew off, but was quickly covered back up.....
Let's hope it's more successful than the several past attempts at US F1. ; Numerous attempts have failed to get crowds, failed to turn a profit, or gotten mixed up in regulations/rules/sponsor/ego issues and pulled. ; Probably Watkins Glen was the only one that would be considered successful on all fronts, and had the longest reign. ; Dealing with Bernie's ego, which clashes badly with the egos of some of the US race organizers and track owners, has been the biggest hurdle!
We'll have to see. ; The state has promised to pay $25million (this year's franchise fee to F1) every year for the ten year agreement between the race promoters and F1. ; Unfortunately citizens in the state with the current economic climate have continued to bring that up about $250m in corporate welfare (by using the full ten year amount). ; But the track is being funded privately with no public money....they will succeed if they can bring in the non-F1 revenues.

I'm hopeful, and that's not just because I won't need a hotel for the race!
Hmmm...if the race goes over well, does that mean if I wanted to see a future race, I might be able to secure a room at Maison d'Roger Inn? ; :)
Re: F1/MotoGP in the U.S. @ the Circuit of the Americas

They've named the track "Circuit of the Americas"

MotoGP is either adding a new race or moving from California beginning in 2013, so both F1 and MotoGP at the same track, different times obviously.
I sincerely hope MotoGP is adding a third US race. ; Lagune Seca is a great track and CotA has potential. ; Please don't take away another Indy race! ; It's bad enough that Bernie and Tony George couldn't come to terms.