Exterior Ft Wilderness Shots


Staff member
Well, these two pics can't be replicated now:


From the path around the Fort.


Pioneer graveyard

Oh well. Got these in the last year or so - even though the Fort was closed, the paths around it weren't.
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1) They didn't completely tear down the Fort.

2) They didn't remove the graveyard. ; In fact, it's still there. ; And they just reopened the path to it.
Those are pretty cool Roger- is that area attached to the campground? ; We were just there for the first time (cabin) but never had much time to explore.
"Jeff Fillmore" said:
Those are pretty cool Roger- is that area attached to the campground? ; We were just there for the first time (cabin) but never had much time to explore.


Umm, talking about the *original* Fort Wilderness, located on Tom Sawyer's Island Pirate's Lair.

ahhh... ; a virtual "rick-roll" by roger... and i felt for it. ; face-palm!

On that note, Rick is rolling towards Central Texas.[nb]Whatever is left of 'im after he's done with Mexico.[/nb]

[attachments posted prior to 4/27/2010 have been deleted by admin. be sure to link images to make sure they don't get removed]