Expatriate Trey Ratcliff's "Decision" on Nikon or Sony (NEX)

I definitely understand the sentiment, though am not quite there myself. ; I can't quite see giving up my DSLR, but definitely let the NEX do more and more of my everyday shooting. ; There are still some types of shooting the mirrorless cameras just can't do as well or as easily, so I''ll still be a two-system user. ; But having just done my first full legit trip to Disney with only the NEX and leaving the DSLR home, I can't say I felt like I was missing anything, and was still able to take all the same types of shots...so it's definitely becoming ; the travel system of preference for most situations.
As much as I love my NEX-6, in some areas it is admittedly "not ready for prime time"... ; low light focusing and auto-focus on moving targets to name two specifics. ; Add in the still-maturing technology and a limited native lens lineup and I won't be dumping my 1dX anytime soon.

But I really do love my NEX-6.