Craig Member Staff member Jan 14, 2009 #21 Re: Everybody Knows Where This One Is...Or Do They... but the confectionary has a different floor!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Everybody Knows Where This One Is...Or Do They... but the confectionary has a different floor!!!!!!!!!!
K Kiki Member Jan 14, 2009 #22 Re: Everybody Knows Where This One Is...Or Do They... Was that a guess or a protest? I'm gonna say it was both and give you partial credit. The shot was of the floor in the entry to the confectionary!
Re: Everybody Knows Where This One Is...Or Do They... Was that a guess or a protest? I'm gonna say it was both and give you partial credit. The shot was of the floor in the entry to the confectionary!
Craig Member Staff member Jan 14, 2009 #24 Re: Everybody Knows Where This One Is...Or Do They... "Kiki" said: Was that a guess or a protest? I'm gonna say it was both and give you partial credit. The shot was of the floor in the entry to the confectionary! Click to expand... that was me whining! ;D ;D Great one, very tricky!
Re: Everybody Knows Where This One Is...Or Do They... "Kiki" said: Was that a guess or a protest? I'm gonna say it was both and give you partial credit. The shot was of the floor in the entry to the confectionary! Click to expand... that was me whining! ;D ;D Great one, very tricky!