
pretty shot, I finally got some of my own tonight. Can't wait to edit and look and post them.

Yet another Incredible poster.
Here are a few of the ones I got tonight.




Great shots, guys. ; I'm so disappointed that they've done away with evening EMH at AK.
Your kidding!! ; Why would they do such a thing? How can life go on? ; I will truly miss it!! ; I have never really gotten what I would consider a good shot of Everest at night. ; Guess I will have to wait till they bring them back, either that or try to sneak in the park after dark.

So, we now have to find another place for the pre-meet meet for this year?
I'm disappointed they got rid of the evening EMH too. ; Maybe they'll bring it back one day... ; I still have a ton of shots I want to try there after dark.