Ever been in a Photography Slump?


If you have or wish to avoid them, click the photo below.

Do you have ways of getting out of a creative slump?
Yeah... I've been in some nasty slumps.

I've tried the brute force way, of shooting everything & anything and forcing myself to get through it. ; Not very successful.

Ive tried different techniques, I've forcing myself just to use one prime lens or anything different to break out of the creative doldrums. ; I've tried impromptu road trips to go photograph something different.... as there are no white, sandy beaches here.

For me, my photo slumps are ; mainly psychological and have very little to do with photography or creativity. Its usually something else in my life causing the creative juices not to flow. ; Generally as suddenly as they stopped, they start again.
Good blurbs there Scott. ; Thanks!

I like #2. ; That's what I'm doing, only wish it was sooner!


So, the money to get in is for a good cause, they are *encouraging* photography of the bands with a photo contest, and the best 9 will win prizes (3 categories), and best 12 will be posted in the local camera store.

Plus live music until after midnight. ; Heard/seen Shotgun Party before.
Nice article Scott! ; I've had a couple of slumps too. ; Like I've mentioned before, time away from the camera usually fixes it for me. ;
The hard part is when its your job. ; When you have to make things look interesting and be creative at the drop of a hat every day, you can't simply put the camera down.