Donde Estoy? Ayudame por favor! (SOLVED)

Re: Donde Estoy? Ayudame por favor!

I'd call that warmer...but still not there yet. ; Probably someone's going to be there in a minute, of some type.
Re: Donde Estoy? Ayudame por favor!

No...not there. ; The 'type' wasn't the clue..though part of it. ; As in a type of minute.

This is taking a while to guess...I might need to get a room for the night.
Re: Donde Estoy? Ayudame por favor!

Not there...cooled down a bit, actually. ; Ooh...Eagles are on the radio...I love this song!
Re: Donde Estoy? Ayudame por favor!

New York Street, isnt there a San Fran thing there, maybe the California connection with the Eagles?
Re: Donde Estoy? Ayudame por favor!

Hotness. ; We are officially hot. ; Funny thing, that Eagles hint - it guided you in the right direction, but not the intended reason. ; ;) ; So...if things are hot now...where am I particularly?
Re: Donde Estoy? Ayudame por favor!

I am guessing behind glass, one of the fake shops on the street, only I don't know the names of any.
Re: Donde Estoy? Ayudame por favor!

I'd venture a guess that you're correct! ; Indeed, if we are on the street, and it's in a window...can anyone figure out which?

BTW - past clues were 'road', 'street', 'minute', 'type of minute', and 'Eagles song'. ; As in...NEW YORK STREET, of STREETS OF AMERICA (the Eagles song, "New York Minute"...a type of minute). ; I know...booo, hisss, jeer!

There might have been some other clues related to the window.
Re: Donde Estoy? Ayudame por favor!

Well, you pretty much pinned it, even without getting the exact this one goes to you!

It's actually the left window of the Venture Travel Services (hence the 'I'd venture you got it') facade, across from the Plaza Hotel (hence, the 'get a room' clue).
