Donde esta moi? (SOLVED)


Staff member
Yes I know...spanish and french words...and wrong verb tense. I liked the way esta and moi there!

More importantly, I've got a photo, and I want to know where it is:

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Re: Donde esta moi?

"Moi" makes me think of Miss Piggy which would be at DHS, but it looks more like the back entrance to Haunted Mansion.
Re: Donde esta moi?

Nope - don't get too caught on the Moi...I just liked the rhyme! Not haunted mansion...keep guessing!
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Re: Donde esta moi?

That looks like one of the miniature buildings on the Romantic Road in Germany.
Re: Donde esta moi?

No...not there. Cold. RedOctober was warmer than Roger.
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Re: Donde esta moi?

The fancy trim makes me think that it could be one of the building in Liberty Square, but I can't think of which one...
Re: Donde esta moi?

Ooh...Michael is burning up the joint! Haunteddoc would have been warming up for getting in the right park...but Michael's narrowed it down to the section of the park! Can anyone figure out what building this is?
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Re: Donde esta moi?

wait... haunteddoc guessed that its across from the Hall of Presidents. Isn't he correct?
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Re: Donde esta moi?

Ah...actually mistake. I don't know how that flew over my head. I was totally not paying attention to that - he is indeed in the same Liberty Square area. Sorry for the confusion!

It is across from there indeed...guesses on the structure this is from?
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Re: Donde esta moi?

I think its the last brick building heading toward the hub... can't remember what the name is though...
Re: Donde esta moi?'ve basically got it. It's the brick building across from Independence Hall (of Presidents), past the Christmas Shoppe on the left - it's actually the back of the Liberty Tree Tavern despite the different design. There is a pathway that cuts between Christmas and Liberty Tree that leads to the bridge to Adventureland...this is shot from that pathway.

Nice work...and sorry for the absent-minded miss on that HofP guess that went right by me!
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