Jiko is booked for 7:10pm on Sunday.
I'll sign up for that! ThanksCelebratory drinks with Dennis at Oga's Cantina
Saturday, Dec. 14, 4:20 pm
1. Dennis
2. John
3. Amanda
4, Amanda's plus one
5. Jeffrey
6. Justin
7. Dave
If you can add me to that reservation I'd appreciate it. I think that place is going to be fun and I've never eaten there before. Thanks!I guess I'll put up the Sunday Jiko in the style of the other posts and invites here.
Sunday 12/15/24, JIKO, Time 7:10pm:
1, Justin
2, Dave (Justin's friend)
Does anyone have an extra spot for Olgas on Saturday? TIA
It looks like Matt's (Amanda's plus 1) parents are coming to town that weekend and we will not be coming to DHS that day. Once I have confirmation on that the spot is yours Nancy!
Hey I know I am late to the party as always but are there any dining spots still open for PM24?
I’m guessing we could probably add to the Biergarten one since they are tables of 8 (have they sat us with randoms before when we were short of 8).
That being said, I think for the most part they’ve accommodated us when we wanted to add one or two more to a reservation (with just a potential longer wait for a table). Though I suppose the mileage might vary
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I've updated the Oga's post, removing the cancellations and adding Nancy. That leaves three open seats if anyone is interested.