This was one of those moments that made the walkaround characters of Star Wars Weekends so much fun. Zam Wessel was skulking around, minding her own business, when an Imperial stormtrooper came up and started hassling her. You know, "Move along" and other threatening language. She showed them who was boss, and they moved along to hassle other citizens.
I tried to translate the flag, but I can't see enough of it in any of my photos to do a complete job. The first two lines start with DESERT and the last two lines read OIF ONE and OIF THREE. Perhaps this 501st member is a real-life veteran of operations in the middle east.
If you dig back through this thread, you'll find the ongoing saga of the blue-clad flag-carrying Mystery Girl from the Star Wars Weekend parade. I've finally decided that she's a changeling, since every time I saw her she had a different face.
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