Davy Jones Hidden Mickey


Staff member
did you EVER see this one? credit to bill from mickeynews.com for showing me this one. very hard to get a photo of, just as hard to see... top is original photo, bottom is 100% crop, look to the left side of davy jones' hat...

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some of you told me you couldn't see the mickey... how's this?

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I think you need a full frame camera to see this; it looks hard for the smaller sensors to pick up. In addition to the human eye.

But an interesting catch nonetheless.
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That is helpful Tim. That is an interesting hidden mickey because it's not the 3 circles, it's an actually mickey mouse face
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ok i am seeing it completely opposite?

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"HW" said:
what next.. mickey turns up on a grilled cheese sandwich ?
I think you can buy that....

I had Mickey burgers on 7/4. Pre-made frozen.
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Wow, how would you ever spot this? I would have to guess this was an accidental animation thing but then again they are getting really clever about hiding them.
Okay - I can't see it. Maybe I'm blind. At best, all I see is a French impressionist version of Mr. Mouse.
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Then you are seeing it. It is distorted by the mist but that French impressionist version you are looking at is the hidden mickey
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