Dave from the Cinderella's Royal Table Breakfast

In 2006, Erin and I were celebrating our 5 year anniversary at Disney World with my mom and our two year old son. ; Erin had decided that she didn't want to have any more kids, thanks to our doctor telling us that our son was going to be born with a hole in his brain (it turned out that it was just a blood vessel that didn't connect until the last month). ;

The morning of our anniversary, we had reservations at Cinderella's Royal Table, the best place for Cream Cheese stuffed french toast, in my opinion. ; Dave was our waiter and was awesome. ; You can see Dave in any of the free DVDs Disney sends out to promote the Disney Theme parks in the states.

At the end of our meal, Dave told me if I could correctly count the number of 9's between 1 and 100, he would give me a special surprise. ; If I was wrong, he would give the surprise to Erin. ; He left, and I started counting. ; Getting my number, I told him when he returned. ; He was shocked how close I was to the correct answer...but I was still wrong. ; He then gave Erin a little wishing star. ; When you turned the back of the star, the star would flash. ; Dave said that she was allowed to make one wish only.

We left and went to Blizzard Beach. ; We returned to our hotel (Port Orleans Riverside) and mom and my son returned to the room. ; Erin and I went to go refill our mugs. ; On the way back, and with empty mugs (why are those things so tiny) she told me that she had made her wish. ; She said her wish was to have another child. ; 11 months later, our youngest was born.

For Erin's 30th, we returned to Cinderella's Royal Table for breakfast, this was last March, and got a new waitress. ; While not as friendly, equally awesome. ; While eating, I glimpsed Dave running around like he did for us. ; I reminded Erin of the story, and she told me that she had forgotten. ; I asked Dave if he could swing by and see us when he had a chance. ; "Yes your highness" was his reply.

Five minutes later, Dave stopped by and kneeled down and I told him our story. ; Erin and I had tears in our eyes the whole time ; :'( and Dave had the biggest smile on his face. ; We asked if we could get our picture with our boys and he obliged. ; For the rest of our meal, Dave would look at us and have a huge smile on his face. ; Every once in awhile, he would walk by and pat my shoulder. ;

Dave is one of many reasons why we go back to Disney World. ; Great man, and we smile every time we see him on those videos. ; Oh, and as for his question, can you figure it out?

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Awesome story.
One of the best servers we have ever had in WDW was in the castle. I cant remember his name, but he was really, really tall.

The other guy was also named Dave at Bon Familles. We ate there a lot and always requested one of his tables. (We were very upset when they closed Bon Familles, it was very startling to us)