Dark Ride Pics

Well, supposedly it's due to go down this spring for a "major" rehab.
But the portal to Halloweentown isn't open yet. Still surprised that WDW hasn't added the holiday makeovers yet.
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i have heard part of the major rehab is the installation of ....................wait for it..................
a GIFT SHOP in the exit queue. imagine that, another gift shop in WDW. i know i am cynical about the sheer number of gift shops in WDW as opposed to DL, as there does not need to be a shop for everything under the sun. next thing you know, it's gonna be a gift shop inside the bathrooms...
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Exit queue....you mean past Little Leota?

<slaps self in face, forgets, that's on the ride at the Hudson Valley version>


I thought Paul and Cynthia were unemployed.

But, you know, the DL HM barely has a CART for HM merchandise. And mostly it's Jack. But not as scarce as Fantasmic! merchandise.
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I just gave my impressions of the rides. i'd love to see some HM ride shots, i can't get anything stable and sharp. but thats me.

haunteddoc, if you can afford it definitely rent the lens. to have a high end piece like that will get you all kinds of great great looking shots. 1.2 though must have a depth of view of like 3 inches. does anyone know? still it never hurts to try the shots. i've never used anything that fast. you could post the results here!

i'd love to rent that new 85 1.2 that just looks great.
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vantonni, if you want to see some HM pics, go to my gallery:
http://www.themagicinpixels.com/PHOTOS/ ... e_lang=eng

some HM lowlight pics....



I've been looking at some of Tim's dark ride pics and the settings he used. Is it fair to say the you should put the camera on aperture priority at the lowest setting, eg f/1.8, and let the shutter speed take care of itself?
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No. The meter may be fooled by the scene and could give you a shutter speed too slow for the moving ride. Of course, if "playful spooks have interrupted our tour", well, that's a different story.

I'd use manual and keep an eye on the over/under exposure warnings.
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&quot;Tim&quot; said:
all of my dark ride stuff is with f1.8's or faster and iso 3200. you can always noise reduce in photoshop with a plugin. there are 100's of them...

What aperture do you usually use? I just found out that I'm going to DL in April and I'm trying to decide if I should bring my 50mm 1.8 or the 60mm 2.8.
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definitely bring the 50. you are going to need every bit of the 1.8 to get some dark ride photos.
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&quot;vantonni&quot; said:
haunteddoc, if you can afford it definitely rent the lens. to have a high end piece like that will get you all kinds of great great looking shots. 1.2 though must have a depth of view of like 3 inches. does anyone know?

It really depends on the distance between you and the subject. The further away you are from the subject the more than in-focus depth it's going to have.
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OT: I agree on the gift shops in general. The old phrase: Everything in Disney starts with a line and ends at a cash register. But I think a bigger HM gift shop (as opposed to the cart that's there now) would be a very good addition. Just because there's already quite a bit more available for girls than for boys in the parks today IMO. I know my son would LOVE some HM merchandise to take home as souvenirs.

Back on topic: How much in general would it cost to rent a fast 50mm lens for a 2 week trip? I had never thought about this option.
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Rentglass shows the following prices:


50/1.4: $13/wk for two week rental
50/1.2L: $48/wk for two week rental
35/1.4L: $36/wk for two week rental
85/1.2L: $46/wk for two week rental

My local shop, oddly, doesn't show any. Odd. Really odd.

My old local shop doesn't have the 50 L or 35 L or the 50/1.4. But the 85/1.2L goes for $120/week.
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&quot;Jalva22&quot; said:
How much in general would it cost to rent a fast 50mm lens for a 2 week trip? I had never thought about this option.

i SERIOUSLY think you are better off just buying the 50mm f/1.8... it costs at little as $70 in some places brand new in the box.
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Well, we are off to WDW at the end of the month. I have rented a 50mm 1.2 for the trip. I'll post some pics when I get back.
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Yeah! Sort of. I found that I rushed a lot of the shots. I'll post some of the pics.
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50mm 1.2 pics

Here are some of the pics I got with the Canon 50mm f1.2 lens I rented. These are straight out of the camera without any type of post processing. I will split them over three posts.

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50mm f1.2 lens Second of Three

Here is the second installment of the three.

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50mm f1.2 lens

Last one.

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I know Canon stopped producing the monster for this one, which is, about 1/2? (this is odd, it's probably closer to 4/10 to 1/3) stop better than the 1.4 lenses.

POTC it did great with. Good shots.
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