daddy and billy's excellent adventure

i believe the quote was... "he can do whatever he wants to billy's hair when i get 2.5 days of peace and quiet for myself."


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Awesome blueness, my favorite color; hope you guys had a blast!
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Sounds like you really crammed it in! Almost made me tired reading it, but sounds like you and Billy got your money's worth.

Bonus points for riding TTA twice...Billy knows how to roll the right way at MK!

Thanks for breaking the place in for me next weekend...I'm hoping this very pleasant cool weather sticks around for me when I get up there!
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enjoyed the trip report, sounds like a great time was had by all. Looking forward to seeing the pictures of the trip
love, love the blue hair! I hope for your sake Billy never goes through a period where he doesn't want any pictures taken of him.
"Deniz" said:
love, love the blue hair! I hope for your sake Billy never goes through a period where he doesn't want any pictures taken of him.

Oh i bet the new little one will be a littlle princess who LOVES to have her picture taken. Like some of the little girls in my class. We try to get pictures of them working but there are 1 or 2 who tend to pose!
"mainstreet1997" said:
Oh i bet the new little one will be a littlle princess who LOVES to have her picture taken. Like some of the little girls in my class. We try to get pictures of them working but there are 1 or 2 who tend to pose!


IKWYM. DD does that all the time. Actually DS does too.
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"Roger" said:

IKWYM. DD does that all the time. Actually DS does too.

You know the first time I saw DS or DD was on a Disney board. I just assumed it meant "Disney Son/Disney Daughter. I just found the other day it means Darling son/daughter!
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