Cola Anyone? (SOLVED)

Re: Cola Anyone?

Well it looks like the next letter is a 'T', which would make me think "Chocolate"...and the old lettering faded on painted stone wall makes me think AK. ; I'm going with the Dinoland area. ; First guess.
Re: Cola Anyone?

OK...if not AK, then it has to be Hollywood Studios. ; I can't see it in the Streets of America, it just doesn't fit. ; Neither by the dinosaur - he's more greenish. ; Not the commisary row. ; Maybe around the Rosie's restaurant place in Sunset Ranch across from Beauty & the Beast?
Re: Cola Anyone?

Ah ha! ; I think I've closed in on it. ; It has a rustic, old feel to it that had me thinking AK, then the Rosie's place...but the only other place I can think of in HS that has rustic old buildings is the Lights Motors Action set...and they do have pastel colors. ; So let's go there for my next guess!
Re: Cola Anyone?

OK...took a look at the set...there is a "Chocolat Menier" shop all the way to the far right end - written high up on the wall above a mural of a woman.
Re: Cola Anyone?

Good Job Justin. I knew you would track it down. Here is the full original. While waiting for the show to start in 2007, this caught my eye. We had never sat that high up & to the far right as we did this day.
