Coca-Cola Asia...


I liked this little drink stand with the bike, it's just right over the bridge when you enter Asia.

Thanks, yeah I'm glad I saw it. Just one of the many little things Disney does to make it all add up to the magic. :)
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I know the place well - Drinkwallah - I love photographing the little building hanging out over the water from the bridge, and that boat parked beneath. I confess, I can't remember seeing this bike there. Disney rules in the atmospheric decoration and detail like this, and AK is their masterwork! Nice shot.
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Interesting story: I was photographing the same building last fall, and a woman from India came up to me and started pointing out little details around the area and how they were just like India: the Coke signs, the poster of the famous Bollywood actor inside the building, the prayer cloths tied around the trees, and so on. Now I look at the whole park in a new light; it's not just atmosphere, it's authentically-replicated atmosphere.
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That's awsome! I wish I had more time to explore AK but I was on a fast tour of all 4 parks that day and AK was the 3rd, I was about dead lol.