Christmas baking underway!


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I spent the weekend at my mothers house, and we got started on our Christmas baking!

We were able to get our shortbread, sugar cookies and gingerbread men all feels so good to have those out of the way.....they take quite a while because of having to chill the dough, and then rolling it all out........

Now, all I have left to make are a few different squares (which take no time) and probably some chocolate chip cookies!!!!
Eeep! ; I haven't even managed to THINK about when I'm going to be able to do my baking... it's going to take a while, too because 2 of my 3 'standards' need dough to chill, and the 3rd needs to bake and cool twice! ; Plus decorating time and 'drying' time for icing and chocolate.... I think I'm going to have to take some of my remaining vacation time to get it done *laugh*

My mom said to me last night "I'll trade you some cream cheese brownies for some of your biscotti" *laugh*

I love Christmas baking, though... really puts me in the Christmas mood (not like the high temps here this week! ; Although looking at the difference between Thursday and Friday in the forecast it looks like we'll be shivering soon enough!)
I love Xmas baking as well, but rarely ever do it anymore. ; When I was living at home with my parents of course I would bake anything. ; I wouldn't have to clean it up. ; But now, I am the only one that would eat what I bake (sean's too picky), so I don't bake my signature sugar cookies anymore. ; I usually just go with fudge, or I will bake something simple for the office, but other than that, I don't have to clear my calendar to do that.
Fudge! ; I made one rather horrific attempt at fudge one year (I was in University at the time, so let's just say it's in the neighbourhood of a decade ago ;) )... and haven't tried again since *laugh* ; I really should give it a shot one of these years...

Care to share your recipe?