Since everyone is giving props to Cast Members, I have to mention one particular guy I met on two occasions. At Mousefest 2008 I decided to go to the Christmas Party that first night (after having already boughten tickets for another night). My current big thing is getting photos with the characters so I made my way back to Toon Town and the Princess Room. At the top of the line was a Cast Member that was letting the families into the newly opened "Pixie Hollow" and boy how he was working the crowd. At that time he spoke with an English accent (which sounded like one of the characters from the Tink movie. He was the hit of the waiting line (which was 45 minutes at the time). Anyway, I went to the Christmas party the next night (dressed up for Christmas Photos) and now he was at the Frontierland Saloon wrangling Woody, Jesse, and Bullseye (?). Of course, I noticed that now he had a strong Western Drawl. And again he was the hit of the waiting line (much shorter this time). As the characters were goofing off (Woody and Bullseye had a dance-off) I talked to him for a bit. He stated that he started out in some of the shows as a voice actor then made his way to his current job as wrangler. The neat thing about him was that he told me that he has a different character persona that he takes on for each set of Characters he wrangles. It was definitely one of the highlights of my trip. So, if you see a six foot heavy set guy with multiple accents, hang out and chat for a bit, you won't be disappointed.
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