Cast Member Fun & Tomfoolery


Gotta love the CM's. They make the whole experience wothwhile. Here's two shots of one special CM who made the long wait along the parade route more bearable. I'm afraid i never got his name or I'd give him due credit here.

Masking tape street art.

The tape art was a lot of fun until he was requested to stop by security. CM's response... [shadow=red,left]CHARGE![/shadow]
if anyone here knows who this cast member is, please share the information here. that really is a neat thing he was doing with the tape, and it's little stuff like tape circles that makes it so much fun to be there.
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seems to me that as much as Disney wants to be a "Green" company, this guy is wasting a lot of tape. ; :P ; Seriously though, CMs like this guy make my trips so much more enjoyable.