Caribbean Beach Resort


This is where we will be staying in December. ; Has anyone ever been there or stayed at the Resort? ; I hope that it isn't too big of a resort that we get lost from the super Disney service they provide. ; I can't wait to see which part of the resort we are staying at. ; I was also wondering about the bus transportation. ; Does anyone know if it is a long trek from the parks to the resort. ; Last time we stayed at the French Quarter, I found the transportation great, but just took awhile to get from park to resort.
Well - for starters - you're going to find the CBR MUCH different than PoFQ. ; FQ is very 'quaint', where CBR is very spread out. ; Two completely different resorts on so many levels. ;

Seeing as people made such a big deal about how big it is, Disney finally made the buildings that were close to Old Port Royale 'preferred' buildings (in which you pay more for them). ; Simply because EVERYONE was requesting those ones.

I really like the upbeat/colourful look and feel to the CBR, Disney does not disappoint with the themeing.
Good to hear. ; I do realize that it is a quite large resort area. ; It should be interesting. ; I am looking foward to seeing the resort and staying there even it if it bigger. ; I will miss the boat rides to Downtown Disney from FQ though. ; I am hoping the pools at CBR are a little bit cleaner as well...don't ask. ; Or at least clean when we want to swim in them if the weather is warm.